Beste wijnliefhebber, Gere Kopár 2016 is momenteel in PRIMEUR te bestellen bij Qwine! Bestel vóór 15 April en krijg 20% korting op de normale prijs. Dit jaar een zéér beperkte oplage voor export, dus indien interesse wees er snel bij en verzeker u van deze topwijn! De wijn wordt geleverd vanaf eind september 2019. Deze Hongaarse topwijn wordt oa. geschonken in het Hof Van Cleve. U kunt deze Gere Kopár bestellen per 6 flessen. Per 12 zitten ze in een houten kistje. Bovendien krijgt u er bij het bestellen van 24 flessen, een Gere Kopár 2016 MAGNUM bovenop als geschenk.
Prijs bij bestelling en betaling vóór 15 April 2019: € 28 per fles ipv € 35,10
€ 336 doos van 12
Bestellen kan via mail : Of via telefoon : 0479/17.94.89
De info over de nieuwste Gere Kopár 2016 (met zéér beperkte oplage) is als volgt:
The 2016 vintage of this Bordaux style blend has less bottles so the pre-booking quantity is limited.
Based on the experiences of the previous years the wine lovers make a dart quickly on the wood boxes fill with Kopars.
This year it is worth to do even sooner, because now it is not sure that the offer lasts until the end of the pre-booking period.
Looking back to the vintage of 2016 the vintage was unusually mild, and the phenological phases after it: shooting, blooming and ripening all worked out better than the average.
Though April and September were drier than in the previous years, there were some occasions during the year when great quantity of rain fell onto our vineyards.
The harvest was done under nice weather circumstances and we finished with it on 20th October.
We could harvest the varieties in ideal ripeness and health with good sugar-acid balance and phenolic ripeness. The taste and aromas were also fair.
So the good vintage gave nice wines. Kopar 2016 – similar to 2015 – is a fruity, easy to love item. Even now it is well drinkable and nice wine, not the concentration but elegance characterizes it.
The ratio of the varieties – similar to the previous vintages – is Cabernet Franc accented and it is supplemented by Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.
The wine was aged both in big and small barrels.
Kort overzichtje:
2012: Prachtig Jaar
2013: TOP Jaar
2014: Zéér slecht
2015: Prachtig Jaar
2016: Prachtig Jaar